Know yourself, Know your diet

There is a common saying that in order to lose weight/body fat, you must consume less calories than the energy you burn out. To gain weight/muscles, you must consume more calories than the energy you burn out. But how exactly do you know how many calories you need to consume and how much you are burning out?

First, you need to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). BMR is the energy needed for our body to function at rest, while doing nothing. It is the energy needed for our heart, brain, kidneys and other organs to operate and keep us alive.

Second, you need to understand your lifestyles or how active you are. If you are very active, you will need to consume more calories because you are burning more calories than a person who is less active.

Lastly, you need to set a goal. Are you looking to maintain your current weight or lose weight/body fat or gain weight/muscles? All these things will contribute to how many calories you will need per day.

To know how many calories you need per day, input your information and find out now.

Male Female
Age: Years

How Active Are You?:
Little to no exercise
Light exercise (1 - 3 days per week)
Moderate exercise (3 - 5 days per week)
Heavy exercise (6-7 days per week)
Very heavy exercise (twice per day and/or extra heavy workouts)
What Is Your Goal?:

Lose weight and body fat
Gain weight and muscle

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