Why FitFoodBKK?

Our foods are made from the best ingredients that focuses on clean and healthy eating.

FitFoodBKK is also taking clean and healthy eating a step further by understanding our customers and treating them differently. We do this by understanding who you are and what your goals are. We aim to give our customers personalized courses based on your gender, height, weight, age, how active you are, and your goal.

We do not believe in one fixed course, this is because a 2,000 calories per day course meals for a big guy might mean that he is trying to lose weight while the same course meals for a skinny guy might mean that he is trying to gain weight.

Let FitFoodBKK know you and we will help you acheive your dream body.

Customers' Feedbacks

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Health Facts Update

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta metus condimentum nunc rutrum, a feugiat arcu placerat. Aenean lorem magna, ornare nec sollicitudin vel, blandit ut lacus. Etiam pretium magna lacus, quis tempor sem scelerisque sed. Nam et mollis leo. Ut in libero venenatis risus placerat fermentum. Donec id ultricies arcu. Quisque eget mollis est, nec pharetra erat. Fusce hendrerit nisl dolor, hendrerit fermentum ante venenatis volutpat. Donec ut dolor ac velit dapi... (read more)

2014-09-24 22:00:29


Your Diet Guide

Male Female
Age: Years

How Active Are You?:
Little to no exercise
Light exercise (1 - 3 days per week)
Moderate exercise (3 - 5 days per week)
Heavy exercise (6-7 days per week)
Very heavy exercise (twice per day and/or extra heavy workouts)
What Is Your Goal?:

Lose weight and body fat
Gain weight and muscle

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vestibulum nulla varius lectus accumsan malesuada. Vivamus fermentum vehicula sapien, a tincidunt ipsum porta id. Curabitur sit amet luctus nunc. Sed placerat quam vel magna rhoncus, eget mattis urna vehicula. Vivamus varius pretium magna vitae faucibus. Proin accumsan vel dui maximus vestibulum. Donec in tincidunt augue. Morbi efficitur ligula sed pharetra venenatis. Praesent eget lorem vitae dolor fringilla eleifend vitae sed dui. Fusce dapibus aliquam ipsum ut malesuada. Donec luctus non diam a venenatis.

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